Wednesday 16 January 2013

Dear Ben,

One day I'll stop feeling guilty for the criminal amount of messing around that I've subjected you to over the last couple of years. Until then - and this won't be the last time I say it, nor the last time I mean it - I'm really, really sorry.
You are among the most reckless and irresponsible people I know - but at the same time, you're also among the most dedicated, perceptive and downright stubborn. I appreciate you for how grounded you are. While I'm here floating away in my own bubble of volatility, you're always so... stable. You probably disagree, but this is just from my perspective. I love you for how reliably unpredictable and surprising and brilliant you are when you're not focusing on impressing other people.
I don't know where to take this now. If you were with me you'd pat me on the head condescendingly and go on to tell me about a race you've got this weekend, or a philosophical theory Mr Davies told you about today, or something completely irrelevant that John's up to nowadays, and you'd be eating a panini and spitting food everywhere and still be complaining about how hungry you are. And then I'd complain at you for the influx of obscene jokes that I rarely get.
That's that.
From Kat
(That rhymed, did that.)

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